Fungal nails are unsightly and can be difficult to treat.
Thinning the nail and applying antifungal treatment can be effective, but will take a long period of time. It can take from 8 months to a year for a healthy new nail to grow.
Often, a patient will come in complaining of fungal nails, to discover that it isnt fungal, but has a similar presentation.
Fakenham Foot Care can improve the appearance of fungal nails by trimming and thinning the surface area. This can also alleviate the pressure associated with thickened nails. Long term treatments, including oral treatment are available after analysis of the nails.
We are now able to offer in house fungal testing, and can often give you the results before you leave the clinic.
Mary and Sarah are both qualified in the innovative Lacuna method of treating fungal nail. Please ask for details.
Laser treatment is a modern treatment that has shown excellent results. For details of a local clinic offering this treatment click here.